About Me

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Let me start by saying "Maggie" is my pen name. This nickname was given to me by my Grandfather and is still used by my Father. I've used it to sign journal entries, poems and stories since I was a teenager. It is the name I use when speaking/writing/expressing my truest self. Or at least when I'm trying to access my most true self. I am continually discovering or re-discovering who my most true self is. Right now I would say that at my core, I am all love and hugs and compassion. I love working with people, listening to their stories and helping them find their truth, their voice and live into it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Why Are You A Christian (Or Not)?

So, my niece (she's 20-something) posted on facebook that she would protest my ordination, if it ever happens.  Also, that my being bisexual is just impossible in a heterosexual committed relationship, which is what I'm in, and that I would mislead my "flock" because of my sexuality.  She said something about me making Christianity fit into my own personal box of understanding.  She also said a myriad of other hateful things, which do not bear repeating here.  

So, my husband and I were hurt, mad, etc.  I immediately reached out to my "backup choir" so that they could sing my song with me because my voice was shaking.  What they said does bear repeating here.  :)  

Back-Up Choir Member #1: you wont change anyone's hearts and minds by being hateful.. I truly feel bad for people who call themselves christians and spew that kind of hate speech. You cannot make everyone fit in the little box of your beliefs. Christ was about loving someon no matter what their "sins" were. I am ill that you can say those things to someone as beautiful as Anthony. He is like a brother to me and i will defend him and his wife to the ends of the earth. Judge not. That is not YOUR job. It is God's and God's alone.  (later on, just to me in a private message)I cannot abide a closed minded bigot- family or not! God is too big for that. I find it funny she was calling people fools, when she is the one blindly following a narrow view of a faith that is far from true christianity. My best friend Michael is gay and he is a beautiful soul.. I stand next to him and will fight for the LGBT community. A victory in NY was wonderful, but I will do my part in shutting up the bigots that I come across on a daily basis!

Back-Up Choir Member #2: What happened to "judging least ye be judged yourself" or acceptance and tolerance as a whole. I guess you mean it's only ok if it goes along with your views

Back-Up Choir Member #3: Yikes. Diana, you are more than qualified to lead a church, don't let the small minds bring you down. (speaking to my husband): I don't think you're brainwashed. I think you are just awesome.

Back-Up Choir Member #4:  (speaking to my niece): Diana gave an amazing sermon a couple weeks ago that really moved me. In my opinion, she is more than qualified to train to become a pastor. She'll be much better than several I have encountered over the years.

Just because she doesn't fit into your reading of scripture you are going to abandon your family? That doesn't sound Christian to me at all. The many branches of Christianity apply different attributes to the same God, and they don't always agree, but judging someone so harshly as to reject them completely because they don't conform to your particular view is simply wrong.

The message of Jesus can be boiled down to three simple statements (held by the United Methodist Church, and which have been preached repeatedly at the same church I recently heard Diana preach at): Do no harm; Do all the good you can; Stay in love with God. Be careful attempting to judge someone using these rules, as you just may break them yourself.

Back-Up Choir Member #5:  It's so easy to hide behind a computer screen and spout out really hateful and hurtful things...she had absolutely no reason or motivation to pop off like that on you as [your husband] also did not ask her for her ranting delusional opinions and ESPECIALLY didn't ask to throw hateful judgment down on his wife like that. The crazy thing is that she REALLY FEELS that shes doing the RIGHT thing by spouting all that out at you. She hides her hate behind "caring for her Uncle" as if caring and hate can possibly be the same thing. She doesn't understand sweetie, and nothing we can say will change that, but you can keep loving her regardless and THAT will break down hate barriers!

Back-Up Choir Member #6: (speaking to me and my husband)  I love you both!

There were actually a LOT of "I love you guys!" type messages.  It was so helpful, perhaps NECESSARY for me in emotionally getting over the stab in the back by a family member.  Community, a "back-up choir" is so important to have in this life!  They help you stay true to what God/your Higher Power calls you to do and be!

The song below describes almost exactly how I am feeling towards her right now.  Because, God knows I have a more compassionate theology than her and am not about to change my mind!  I hope this song inspires you as much as it does me!

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